Crafting with Amanda Blog page 30

Kathryn’s 6×6 Pattern 2 Card samples

Yay,  I’m creating another post and four months haven’t gone by since the last one!

For those of you who missed the last post,  I received a out of my comfort zone 6×6 paper stack from a friend.   After avoiding it for months, I found this great set of patterns and created several cards.  The photos below are my representation of the 2nd pattern’s cards.  The first pattern cards can be seen here.

Pattern 2 Card 1

jan12 jan20 jan19 jan18 jan21 jan14I mentioned in the last post that I was also able to use up several odds and end embellishments to free up room for storing new embellishments.

Pattern 2 Card 2

jan16 jan05Pattern 2 Card 3jan13Pattern 2 Card 4jan02 jan03 jan04 jan08Love how these cards turned out,  despite the fact the colors are outside my comfort zone.   I do wish I would have taken photos of ALL the cards I created as some of my favorites where the ones using up the scraps!

Happy Crafting!


Club Night – Left overs

Once a month a great group of ladies haul their crafting tools and supplies to the church and create some beautiful artwork.   For the past several months the project I have provided comes from CTMH (close to my heart) Insider guides and their choice of bulk papers and cardstock from my stash.   Each insider guide is designed for creating 10 cards.  So my girls either pair up and split the set with a friend,  or if no one else wanted the same paper,  I got the other half of the set.  So,  the following few posts will be my use of those shared packs.  The first set comes from the Urban Insider Guide.   Urban_IG_ImageUrban_Creative_IG

This first set of cards use the For Always bulk paper. foralways01

 foralways02 foralways06 foralways05The stamp sets used are both older stamps of the month so they aren’t available,  but I’m sure you can find something that will work for you!   The last set of cards of were colored using the watercolor paints. (So much fun!)

Happy Crafting!


After a LONG absence,  I hope to be able to do more regular postings.   To start things off,  I have a large number (around 90) photos of cards all edited and ready to be talked about and posted.  So,   as you know I am a CTMH (close to my heart) consultant,  but not a purist.  That being said,  I very rarely buy paper other than CTMH, so this post is a rare bird indeed.

Background: A few friends and I travel about 6 hours to another friend’s house to craft for a LONG weekend once a year.   Last year one of these friends gave everyone a 6×6 paper stack.  The stack I got were not my go to colors,  and not CTMH paper,  so for several months the stack got moved from place to place in my studio taunting me. Finally I decided,  something was going to happen to this paper stack and I consultant google & pinterest.   I found these great patterns,  and jumped right off the cliff.  (×6-cutting-formula.html)   What did I have to lose right.  I wasn’t in love with the paper,  so even if it was a disaster I was not going to be moving this stack around anymore,  and I could always use the cards for fire starters right?

So,   if you learn nothing else from this post,  I hope you realize that sometimes great results can be accomplished when you step outside of your comfort zone.  (In simple terms,  I really like how these cards turned out.)

I made  2 sets from each of Kathryn’s patterns and used all the scraps for a few additional cards.  Unfortunately I don’t have photos of every card as I mailed several out prior to my studio photo shoot!  Fear not,  I have photos of each card from the patterns.

Pattern 1 Card 1


jan11jan06jan17Before I get too far into this post I want to mention that I am on a mission to use up embellishments so I can buy more without guilt and they will have a place to fit in my studio.  On these cards I was able to use up lots of various embellishments and empty a few spots in my storage folder  🙂

Pattern 1 Card 2

jan10Pattern 1 Card 3

jan15Pattern 1 Card 4

jan09I’m running out of time today,  so I’ll post the photos for the second  pattern in my next post!

Happy Crafting!

Spring Break

It is spring break in Michigan,  but it looks like we are heading into Christmas!   With the kids home and too many projects to be done,  I have not found much crafting time.  And,  the crafting time I did find I can’t post the photos yet as they are projects for my upcoming craft retreat.   Don’t want to post any spoilers.

So,  I will leave you with enticement of some new artwork,  and reassurance that I am finding more of my studio table so I’ll have loads of future artwork to share with you.

Happy Crafting!

Ground Hog’s Day

Ground Hog’s Day and Phil didn’t see his shadow.  I heard on the radio that is only the 18th time since the mid 1800s.  (that seems awfully low,  maybe I heard it wrong?)

This month is support Operation Smile.   If you purchase the Share the Love stamp set  (only available during February)  or Animal Greetings,  $7 will be given to Operation Smile.  Either stamp costs only $17.95 with $7 going to a great organization.

AnimalGreetings ShareTheLove

I have used and love the Animal Greetings stamp set several times and have even managed to show photos on this blog.   DSC_0031a DSC_0030 DSC_0029 DSC_0028 DSC_0027 DSC_0037 DSC_0036A great addition to any crafter,  but especially a card maker.   I haven’t used Share the Love yet as it just arrived last Thursday and the kids were off school until today.  (Also why My blog is a day late in being updated.  opps!)

Happy Crafting and support Operation Smile!