Hi Ladies,
I realized (in the middle of the night when I sat upright bolt awake) that I did not finish posting the photos from the library auction scrapbook layouts. I will try and get those finished in the next few days!
We have been busy here at the Farm. I had a women’s retreat, then the next day our family boarded a plane to FL to visit with Grandma, Uncle, Mickey Mouse, Harry Potter and several other friends. We returned two days ago and luckily had a snow day yesterday to help us dive back into life. I had hoped to do this post yesterday, but as in all things, life happened and I got to spend another 5.5 hours in a car. Even though we didn’t change time zones, I am feeling jet lagged.
So, with out further ado, more library auction pages.
I really like how clean these pages look. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve gone back to matting all my photo spaces. Sometimes even double and triple mats. Love the layered look, and have decided I have enough paper and cardstock to use it this way. <grin>
Different journaling spot this time as I didn’t include the “notebook” page, but again, crisp layout really speaks to me. This was a workshop on the go feature layout. (I think from ProPlayer paper.)
“So Proud” was done with scraps. I used the frame from the Shining Moments Layout and then just layered on more scraps that I had lying on the table. It definitely fits into the whimsical category!
Thanks for looking. I hope to be better about posting new artwork. Now that January is almost over, I think I might have some time to catch up on things. We have club day tomorrow, and I haven’t even figured out our project! yikes. (It’s all good though, I have lots of ideas. Just need the time to play with my papers!)
Happy Crafting.